early career researchers

Abstract Call for Submissions – 2 Weeks Left – GEN Confreat!

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Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th July 2015, Leeds, UK

The Gender and Entrepreneurship Network – a Special Interest Group of the Institute Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE) – invites new and more established gender and entrepreneurship scholars to attend a forthcoming ‘Confreat’ (conference/retreat). The primary focus is to help participants to develop a working paper for a conference or journal publication through support, feedback and guidance from a prestigious team of established entrepreneurship academics with both qualitative and quantitative research backgrounds. To do so, participants will engage with contemporary perspectives on gender and entrepreneurship as well as explore the possibilities for impact from their research.

The idea for a confreat emerged from a desire expressed by our network for a unique space where the rigour of an academic conference was combined with the supportive and encouraging aspects of a retreat environment. Over the two days, you will discuss your work in-depth with other scholars in the field, be introduced to cutting-edge research in critical gender studies and entrepreneurship education, and learn how to develop and convey research impact. This experience is designed to sharpen your paper-writing skills and help you to develop both academically and professionally.

This confreat has been designed to support the development of full papers for those aiming to submit to the Gender Track of the ISBE conference in November 2015. However, participants are welcome to submit any paper on which they are currently working, either for a conference or journal submission.

Who should attend?
In order to provide quality feedback and a valuable experience this event will be limited to 30 attendees, and selection will be through a competitive application process. This process involves submission of an extended research abstract (1,000 words maximum) which will be reviewed by the organisers. Successful candidates will be invited to submit a full paper of approximately 7,000 words. Each paper will be reviewed by a senior academic in the field who will offer individual feedback to the author regarding how to develop their work towards journal submission. Attendees will also be required to offer peer reviews upon a small number of papers.

We are particularly interested in applications from Early Career Researchers (<5 years post PhD) and/or academics who wish to build on their current publication trajectory (i.e. aim for higher-rated journals) in the area of gender and entrepreneurship. Papers must be empirical with the methodological stance clearly defined within the abstract. There are no restrictions on the topic areas for the papers, which can relate to any aspect of gender and entrepreneurship/small business management.


Monday 2nd March 2015 Abstract submission deadline. Please note, due to tight timelines and limited numbers there will be no extensions granted for abstract submissions
Monday 9th March 2015 Successful applicants will be notified and invited to submit full papers
Monday 1st June 2015 Full paper submission deadline
Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th July 2015 Confreat

Full programme details will be sent to successful applicants on acceptance.

As we intend this to be an intensive and collaborative experience for participants, with opportunities to network and share knowledge and experiences throughout the two days, we encourage attendees to continue their discussions and paper development planning and build networks throughout the two days. The fee therefore includes accommodation (bed & breakfast) and an evening dinner. However, a limited number of places will be available for those wishing to organise their own accommodation.

ISBE Members – £300
Non-members – £325
Early Career (ISBE member) – £200
Early Career (non-member) – £225
PhD students – £200

Registration for this event will be restricted to accepted authors.

For further information and to submit an abstract please click here.

Call for Papers: Feminist Early Career Academics

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Please see below a call for papers for an edited book entitled ‘Feminist Beginnings: Being an Early Career Feminist Academic in a Changing Academy’, to be edited by Dr Rachel Thwaites and Dr Amy Godoy-Pressland. Please circulate around your networks.

In a fast-changing higher education academy, where marketisation is increasingly becoming the dominant model, the pressures on academics seem great, while the need to ‘play the game’ to succeed has never been more important. Within this context, entering the academy as an early career academic presents many challenges, as well as possibilities. Moving from the relative autonomy, and often bubble of safety, of the PhD into teaching or research contracts where there may be less flexibility and freedom within the institutional hierarchy, can be a real step change. Early career academics also frequently face the prospect of working on fixed term contracts, with little security and no certain prospect of advancement, while constantly looking for the next contract.

Being a feminist early career academic adds a further layer; how does one maintain one’s feminist identity and politics within what has traditionally been a very male-dominated institution where few women reach the most senior positions? Moreover the ethos of the marketising university where students are sometimes viewed as ‘customers’, may sit uneasily with a politics of equality for all. Feminist values and practice can provide a means of working through the challenges, but may also bring complications. As feminist researchers and teachers ourselves, we feel the impact of trying to live out a feminist politics provides another set of priorities which affect the way one thinks about the everyday and overarching experience of an academic career. This political outlook can lead to transformative events, but can also raise difficulties when in a non-feminist department or a research climate which does not take gender seriously.

This edited volume will thus explore the early years of an academic career from a feminist perspective and should appeal to students and academics at all stages of their careers. We therefore welcome contributions which provide findings from research studies, theory pieces, and experiential/personal pieces. The format of these is open to some interpretation and we will accept pieces of up to 3000 words for a personal piece and up to 8000 words for a theory/research paper on themes including, but not limited to:

*         Being a feminist in higher education

*         Moving from a women’s/gender studies centre into the wider academic community

*         Maintaining your feminist identity

*         Feminism in the curriculum and in the classroom

*         Negotiating the academic hierarchy as an early career feminist

*        Building a feminist support network

*         The academic ‘lifestyle’: how to be an ‘academic’

We define ‘early career’ as those within five years of having been awarded their PhD and ‘higher education’ as any university setting. We are actively seeking contributions which will provide a wide international perspective, however they must be written in English.

To submit an abstract (300-400 words), or for any queries, please contact either Dr Rachel Thwaites, or Dr Amy Godoy-Pressland

Deadline for Abstracts: 5th December 2014 (decision to be made by 6th February 2015)

Provisional date for full article: 7th September 2015